Fresh Random
a modest log of random happenings
September, 2001
Well, the summer has been rich and full, yet strangely stained by the bittersweet expectations associated with college. I went to Florida and Canada, the latter, of course, providing most of the cultural influences. Quebec is quite European and, well, as oppose to what you may have been taught in school (what with new American liberties and what not), a bit more liberal. I suppose intelligence makes people arrogant (and boy, was there a lot of that), but it also allows for more tolerance of sensitive subjects in art. Ok, ok, what I'm trying to get to is I went to the Picasso Erotique exhibit in Montreal--the only stop in North America, mind you.
The exhibit starts out with a vintage porno video--a nice shocking technique I must say. However, after a few works that can hardly be characterized above "dirty pictures," one gets quite over that fact that every work contains some sort of sexual act. Overall, the whole thing was quite liberating.
Understandably, only the mild works can be found on the internet at hand, but there is nothing Picasso left out: lesbians, masturbation, animals and minotaurs, artists with models, and even the pope watching.
One of the most obvious conclusions for me was that an artist must produce a lot of everything before anything good comes out. My exhibit companion commented that an intensely creative person simply cannot avoid such an important part of life.
And on a less scandalous note, here's something from Roald Munoz. He drew, posted it online, and some other guy colored. Pretty cool, huh?
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